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Kriss Morton - In the Loft of the Cabin Goddess

My Loft of the Cabin where I store all my virtual reads, reviews and discover new adventures and share new stories!

An OK read, not fantastic, but not bad either

No Refuge - Annie Nicholas

Short and sweet just like the book. I am really into Young Adult Sci-Fi these days and so I have been reading a ton of it. This is a Young Adult Sci-Fi Romance, plain and simple. It has a lot of kick butt action at the beginning but because of the nature of it being a novella it falls short. Novellas are tricky, they are not just a short book, they have actual conventions that have to be met, a formula per say, and I felt this one just didn’t quite make it.


The writing was good, the descriptions well done but I just did not buy it. Like a B movie with a great story with a small budget from a outstanding director it had problem areas. The thing is the idea is excellent. A reality where being human is a death sentence? Where you have never seen the love of your life without a disguise? It is really quite an excellent idea, the problem I think is in the delivery, the novella instead of a full length story. Could it have been a novella and work? Yes but it has some flow problems that need addressing. To much info and rushed in areas and not enough info in others. But like I said, I liked it! It was one of those good OK reads!


The good things about it, the characters for the most part are likable. You get a good sense of the world build around them even if it is brief. As others have mentioned they wish it was longer, I think this is spot on. If it was longer this could have had some depth and by the time of the conclusion we would actually feel satisfied and not fully rushed. It was not a bad book at all, it was one of those books that are OK! I will pick up something from this author again as I have read a couple of her other books. She has that sweet romance down! The two main characters are lovely to read about. The ending, the last sex scene is… nope, it was umm, I just didn’t like it. I felt it caused the read to even be less, but over all the love and tension was lovely.


If you are looking a book you do not need to invest a heck of a lot of time and you want a fresh sci-fi story that will give you a light taste of PG-15 romance, grab it! For me? It was OK! I think you will either agree or you will love it! I don’t think anyone will dislike this at all because of the author’s writing ability!


Oh one other thing, this cover? Hot? Yes? Does it match the story? Not in the least! Very VERY Hot.. indeed, have anything to do with the story? Nope! Unless it is metaphorical about being caught naked amongst your enemies…hmmm I wonder!

Another WIN from Kory! Creepy to the max~

Dive - Kory M. Shrum

Ever wish you had secret powers so you could exact revenge? Oh ummm OK well apparently I am the only evil one in the world!

The story was fresh, creepy, alive and the way the author flowed back and forth from present to past was perfectly timed. It felt like I was going faster and faster and I found myself catching my breath and my heartbeat pacing with the speed.

My issue? Oh......... I really hope this is a possible feeler for us, the audience/readers because I want to see this as a full length book. What happens to Lu now? What is she going to do? After ten years her "quest" is over, her drive to do everything she has done, learned to this point? There has to be more right?

Fantastic. This author is one to watch for!

Inspiration for my upstairs bedroom....
Inspiration for my upstairs bedroom....

What my upstairs was inspired by. Our shelves go from floor to ceiling like this and wrap around the head of the bed. We need to get it back to this. I also want to create it downstairs with a futon couch where my husband usually sits to game so we have a place for friends to sleep too. Also, it is JUST SEXY!

Reblogged from Ungh... Arrr... Books!:


Reading progress update: I've read 39%.

The Bird Eater - Ania Ahlborn

CREEPY freaking book! I feel asleep listening to the narration and ended up waking up in a start when Geoff stomped in the door! EEP!

A unique, fantastic and disturbing zombie read

Jenny Undead (The Thirteen: Book One) - J.L. Murray

Wow am I glad I took the advice to read the book. I was totally riveted through the whole read. I need more soon though! Great character builds and conflict.


The only issue was there was not enough back story. I can piece it together and understand much was to keep the mystery alive but some was just to vague a if it was forced. My other issue was the struggle to not give into the red at times was to repetitive. It was OK but I expected some flow or at least the struggle not be stuck on one loop. Moving forward. Little broadband the plot more. It did pick up but for a while I felt like yelling "Get a move on!"


This would be a fun series. I could see a twist on Dollhouse blends with a touch of Lost Girl and the intensity of The Walking Dead. Yep. That would be awesome.


It really was great read an Now I'm going to be waiting with baits breath for the next book.
4.5/5 stars

Reading progress update: I've read 54%.

Jenny Undead (The Thirteen: Book One) - J.L. Murray

Getting weirder and weirder... I will reading this whole series. Conspiracy theories, secret experiments... ZOMBIES!

Reading progress update: I've read 25%.

Jenny Undead (The Thirteen: Book One) - J.L. Murray

This is rather interesting... glad my friend suggested it!

The best in a great story.

The Variables (Virulent: Book Three) - Shelbi Wescott

I couldn't put it down. Haunting and raw. Full of moments of dispelling belief, rooting for someone to die or live or both.

I can't say it's perfect. But I love it an would probably give it a 9/10 from purely reader's enjoyment factor. Didn't like the ending. There was none, but I have hope for it to perhaps be an origin story.

Thanks for a full week of pleasurable reading with books 1-3

Reading progress update: I've read 10%.

The Variables (Virulent: Book Three) - Shelbi Wescott

Hmmm Seriously not sure why people have issues with this series, I really am enjoying it. It is getting a bit drawn out and I am waiting for the crazy ass person who depopulated the earth (Huck) to do SOMETHING and Lucy is still in status.. and we don't know.. blah blah blah but we are only at 10%!

Updating as much as I can - making the transition

So many books, so little time
~Frank Zappa


The transition from GR to here is slow but it is going. Sure the import makes it easy, but you still need to go through and check for things. With over 1800 books on my shelves it is somewhat of a monumental task. But since I never plan to set foot over at that other evil site again, it is a must. 


PLUSES? So far at least I have not been attacked here, though with only 100+ instead of 3000+ followers and friends, it is rather unlikely I will as of yet. I also like how I can make my review a post, considering I do not review all the books on my blog. Also because my blog is down till the latest nightmare is over (again did I mention EVIL) it is nice to post reviews and keep up with reading updates. They post to FB too and because of this I am gaining new followers and friends daily. 

Another NEW FAV! Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells

Dirty Magic - Jaye Wells

It is the year Kriss finds YA and new Urban Fantasy to wet her appetite!


I have NO CLUE where I managed to find this one 

Did it blow me away? Almost!

Weather Child (The Awakened) - Philippa Ballantine

Years in the making, this book was first published back in 2009 and the author has republished it with a brand new cover and editing.


First off, I really enjoyed the book, the alternative history in New Zealand and the idea of the Awakened. Philippa Ballantine is a highly talented and popular author. When I started reading this I was excited with the idea of reading a book set in New Zealand having read a handful of books involving the relationships between Māori and the European settlers.


This was another book about relationships in the population of New Zealanders, the first generation (First-Born), the native population (Māori) and others, Seraphim, but what makes this different is this is a magical fantasy instead of a historical fiction. And like her other books, Ms. Ballantine develops a very believable world with rich characters you care deeply about.


Based in post-WW1 New Zealand the book starts off with what appears to be a serial killer, but what it turns out to be is something all together different.In Ballentine's New Zealand, each child, mainly first-born,, has a chance of becoming Awakened; bonded with a Seraphim. It is a bond formed out of pain & trauma. When one becomes an Awakened one also must learn to not only live with a constant companion but also not lose themselves in the magic which comes with their Seraphim, doing so will be risking madness.


The typical conventions and story devices are here for telling a tale of good and bad, of a society struggling to rebuild after the war, as is necessary for a post war historical, but with the added fantasy and magical tropes mired in it we get a new angle to enjoy the stories being told.


This is not a light fantasy read, this is disturbing and even with the beauty of Faith, she is a light in the midst of the dirty post-war landscape. The edition of a asylum in the darkest form it can be, the unseen killer and the complete unknown with the "other" adds to create this darkness. Though I guarantee you will feel a bit weepy at the end, for both good and bad outcomes. Again Ballantine truly has a gift to balance each.


My only criticisms is it took way to long for us to get more then a sliver of the possibilities of the "other" .. the evil and of all the unresolved aspects of the story. When it takes till 92% for me to go, "WHAT, now you tell me?" I mean it was not like a surprise is needed. Nor was a complete explanation. I get why it was done, but I think it could possibly be fed or trickled to us a bit more before this point. Lily is a pivotal point of the plot and to have it start with her and end with her is important, but to have it not begin her ending sooner caused my frustration. On that note, the outcome for Faith and Hoa was well played. (go read the book and find out ;) ) The other is despite the balance of the story, some of the chapters either rushed to get somewhere causing me to flip back to see what I missed or took forever to get there. Not enough to take me out of the read but enough for it to not be a complete five star for me.


I hope there is more in this world, I want to find out just what is going to come next!

Technothriller I totally recommend. A new favorite author!

The World Beneath - Rebecca Cantrell

I discovered Rebecca because of her working with one of my favorite authors James Rollins. This was a pleasant surprise because what she added to James Rollins was the romance, apparently. We know how I feel about romance, SMH.


This book was not a romance, it is full of action, technology (techno-thriller) and chuck full of adventure and the spirit of the chase.


I get Joe Tesla (yes that Tesla, well that family). I live in an isolated cabin, every time I try to go into public though not as much of a problem.. ok not even CLOSE to being as bad, but I have horrific anxiety. Agoraphobia which was caused because I don't leave the cabin often at all (like maybe once a month).


I lived in Boston and learned a lot about the tunnels which the east coast is well known for as well as the history being taught in the schools. It is truly fascinating and it's the source of many an urban legends. But instead of giant albino alligators, we have a real live man-made infection which has laid hidden and walled in for decades.


Joe's thought process is so amazing to read. Math geniuses don't think or deal with regular every day activity like us normal people do. Each thing, action, object, activity involves some kind of formula even if it is uncontrollable and OCD like obsessive. I love that he thinks in colors and numbers. Oh and the dog, who doesn't love a dog. I can pause here, close my eyes and see them together and picture it completely. 


This would make a fantastic movie! It's a fast paced, tight read. There are a few issues I had but mainly because of the style of writing I jarred a bit with. I still cannot wait till the next read and am already stock piling Rebecca's books to read in the future!


Alpha Goddess

Alpha Goddess - Amalie Howard Review coming March 6th.