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Kriss Morton - In the Loft of the Cabin Goddess

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The Void

The Void - John Abramowitz This is the second in the Weaver Saga and I ended up reading both of them back to back. I can say they would actually have made a good book blended together they were segued so well! I had not read the description of the zombie apocalypse being nigh, but after finishing it I can say I am excited to see what the third book holds for us.

John has woven a story with some pretty strong female characters. At least they appear to be on the outside. Our leading gal Alex is fighting hard to over come her mother's betrayal and learn to be strong and independent to help fight the fight behind the scenes of a race of other-dimensional beings that will suck your soul dry. Our FBI agent who has been brought into the fold of a covert government agency that has been developed to fight these beings, the Xorda, appears so strong and detached they deem her nicknames involving ICE (fill in the blank). She and Alex are fighting their past and soon will find out that it is not as different then it seems. Both have mothers that have hurt them and betrayed them and both mothers are part of the conspiracy that left a brother and left Alex mutated and basically tools to aid in the fight against the Xorda.

See, Alex has visions of the future, specifically the future involving Xorda attacks. This is what she was mutated into being. The goal of this conspiracy group was to match them with Igniters since only fire will kill these creatures. Sounds a bit out there? Well perhaps a bit, but John has an excellent ability to weave a bit of far fetched ideas and make it believable. The problem now, however, is that Alex seems to be having visions from the past, specifically her mothers past. She is going to have to face her mother again and find out what is going on or it may just come dropping into everyone's lap when they are least prepared.

John presents us with characters flawed but still strong. Alex learning how to fight through her fear and become this test tube supernatural human, Moire and her dysfunctional family issues that seem to drown her every step of the way along with the fact of her guilt of her brothers apparent suicide, and the two mothers! Those two are pieces of work, but at the same time John was able to weave the story in such a way we can sympathize a little with where they were coming from.

In the end I was left satisfied and I believe I will be able to maintain myself for the third in the series, since it seems... the zombies are coming.. or are they?

I highly recommend this book and its predecessor Weaver to anyone who enjoys a good book that allows you put aside reasoning and enjoy a good tale of coming to age, and not just for teenagers. It would be a great book to read as a mother with your daughters, especially if you both love this kind of tale. Oh and anyone who likes Buffy or Angel? You really should read it. It does read a bit like a season of the show but with a bit more depth then can be shown on the screen. I think I like Alex a lot more with her flaws then the almost perfect Buffy.